Schitt’s Creek, the critically acclaimed single-cam comedy co-created by Daniel Levy and Eugene Levy, follows a wealthy family who suddenly find themselves broke and forced to live in Schitt’s Creek, a small town they once bought as a joke. The series features comedy legends and Emmy® Award-winning actors Eugene Levy, Catherine O’Hara, and Chris Elliott, alongside breakout stars Daniel Levy, Annie Murphy, and Emily Hampshire.
Schitt’s Creek centers on a wealthy video store magnate, Johnny Rose (Eugene Levy), his former soap-star wife Moira (Catherine O’Hara) and their two adult children – the self-described black sheep of the family David (Daniel Levy) and career socialite Alexis (Annie Murphy). With their pampered lives a memory, they struggle to find jobs and relationships, and most importantly, figure out what it means to be a family in the makeshift but loveable town they’ve reluctantly come to call home.