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Know Before You Go

...So You Can Enjoy The Show!

Bag Policy:

  • To reduce staff contact with guest belongings, we have implemented the following bag policy: ALL BAGS OVER 12″x12″x6″ ARE PROHIBITED. All bags are subject to search upon entry. Guests have the right to refuse a bag search and the venue has the right to refuse entry. If you have any items that are not allowed into the venue, please return them to your vehicle.
    • If you are arriving via public transportation and have an oversized item, you can check your item at Coat Check (to the left side of the lobby upon entering).


  • Cameras – nonprofessional only, no detachable lenses
  • Water – up to 1 liter in a factory sealed or empty bottle
  • Over the Counter Medication – must be factory sealed
  • Prescription Medication – the name on the label must match your ID
  • Cigarettes, Lighters & Electronic Cigarettes – smoking allowed in designated areas only
  • Signs – up to 8.5×11 inches in size

Prohibited Items:

  • Bags larger than 12”x6”x12”
  • Weapons of Any Kind, including spiked jewelry
  • Outside Alcohol
  • Illegal Drugs/Substances, including marijuana
  • Glass Containers
  • Cans
  • Food or drinks (except items on allowed list)
  • Hard sided/large coolers
  • Large or oversized bags/back packs, such as luggage, duffel bags, or industrial/camping-sized back packs
  • Laser pointers
  • Animals (except service animals)
  • Fireworks
  • Selfie Sticks
  • Signs larger than 8.5×11 inches
  • Professional Cameras
  • Wallet Chains
  • Laptops/Computers/iPads
  • Ski Masks

Guests With Disabilities:

The Met Philadelphia strives to ensure that all of our guests have a great time at our venue. If you need additional assistance while you are here, please visit us at the box office or see a guest services member.

  • Ticketing – For ADA seating inquiries, please arrive to the box office as early as possible on your show day for assistance and accommodations.
  • Day of Show Parking – Accessible Parking is located in Lot A (the closest available parking lot to the venue), first come first served. Let the parking staff know that you need accessible parking and they will direct you to this lot. Fans who require accessible parking may also be dropped off right in front of the venue on Poplar Street. If you do not absolutely need accessible parking, please park in the general lots.
  • Unexpected Needs – if you have had an injury or illness that prevents you from using the original seat you purchased, we strongly recommend going through to exchange all tickets for accessible seating. We will have a very limited number of seats available on the day of the show for such issues, but we cannot guarantee we will be able to seat you. Please remember that accessible seating permits for the guest with the accessible need and one companion.
  • Accommodations – All accessible seating levels have bathrooms, concession stands, and merchandise stands. All levels except for LOGE can be accessed via elevator. If you have loge level seats but cannot use stairs, please visit the box office upon entering for further assistance.
  • Hearing Assistance – Guests that require assisted listening devices can contact prior to the event to arrange for a device. Please give us at least 2 days notice. Guests that require interpreter service can call the venue and arrange this for any event. We need at least 2 weeks notice to secure an interpreter. Please reach out to for assistance.

Seating Map

Met Philly  Seating

Venue Info (A-Z)

Alcohol - The Met Philadelphia offers a wide variety of alcoholic beverages for purchase during your time at the venue. You are not permitted to bring any alcoholic beverages into the venue. A valid and current Driver License or State ID card is required to purchase alcohol, guests will be required to show ID every time they purchase.

All Access Passes - All Access passes or Backstage Passes are not available for purchase. Visit page to view any VIP packages that may involve a meet and greet or additional access. The venue box office does not sell any meet and greet, backstage or venue passes.

Animals Service - Service animals are permitted inside the venue during events. Only registered working animals are permitted.

ATMs - We have one Cash-2-Card kiosk on site. Located adjacent to our merchandise stand.

Automobile Assistance - If any assistance is needed with your vehicle, please contact your normal Emergency Assistance provider. The Met Philadelphia does not have tow or lockout services on site. Emergency assistance vehicles are permitted on property to assist with lockouts, jumps or tows, but the guest will need to arrange for such services.

Bag Inspections - All bags are subject to search upon entry. Guests have the right to refuse a bag search and the venue has the right to refuse entry. If you have any items that are not allowed into the venue, please return them to your vehicle.

Banners and Signs - Signs larger than 8.5 X 11 inches are not permitted into the venue. This size is a standard sheet of paper. We do not allow in banners or signs that are larger than this due to the potential to block other guests view of the performance. All signs must be appropriate in nature and not be a distraction to the artist.

Bicycle Parking - Currently The Met Philadelphia cannot provide bike parking. The Met Philadelphia does not take responsibility for lost or stolen bicycles.

Box Office - Our box office is located on Poplar Street (to the right of the main lobby doors). We are open on show days only, two hours before doors. Tickets to future shows can be purchased at the box office in person, fees vary. To contact the box office, email or call 215-309-0112.

Camera Policy - SUBJECT TO CHANGE – The standard venue policy allows camera phones, disposable cameras, and small digital cameras. Any camera that has a detachable lens will be considered professional and not allowed in. If the camera lens zooms out of the camera more than 1 in, it will be considered a professional camera and will not be allowed in. Some artists do not permit cameras so please check back for the show you will be attending to ensure that we will be allowing cameras in.

Cancellation Policy - Cancellations will only occur in the event of severe weather, artist cancellation, or an act of God. In the event of a cancellation, local media will be notified and any information about a potential reschedule will be made available. Refunds will be available at the point of purchase. Follow us on socials for real-time updates.

Cell Phones - Generally cell phones are permitted in the venue. On occasions, comedy shows in particular, cell phones usage may not be allowed due to artist requests.

Children - Most events are all ages. Any age restrictions would be listed on the venue and/or Ticketmaster event page. Children over 12 months are required to have an event ticket for entry.

Conceal and Carry - The Met Philadelphia does not allow weapons on our property. Guests should follow all applicable laws regarding securing a weapon in a vehicle if they have it on them when they arrive. The venue will not secure weapons and will take no responsibility for any weapons left in vehicles.

Credit/ Debit Cards - All main concession stands take Visa/ MasterCard / Discover and American Express. Smaller stands and portable concessions may be cash only. All merchandise stands take all major credit cards.

Door Times - Gate / Door times vary, please check the specific event page as they are subject to change. Please do not attempt to enter the venue any earlier than the designated times.

Drinking Water - Guests are permitted to bring in One (1) factory sealed bottle of water up to 32 fluid oz. in size. This policy is subject to change based on artist requests or safety considerations. EMPTY Refillable plastic water bottles are permitted. Camelbacks are not permitted. Water fountains are located near the stairs in the Lobby and on the Mezzanine level near the elevator

Drop Offs - Drop off areas are located on Broad Street next to the venue.

Emergency - In the event of an emergency while on site – The Met Philadelphia has trained paramedics to assist with any medical issues. First aid is located in the lobby of the venue, but any staff member with a radio can dispatch First Aid to the location needed. Local law enforcement officers are also on site for every event and can assist if needed or requested. Venue management works closely with all appropriate emergency agencies and services to ensure that we are up to date on any dangerous weather or potential crowd related issues. In the event of a weather emergency, we will communicate with guests that are inside of the facility as well as guests on their way to the venue. Please follow our  social pages for the latest developments on event days.

Employment Opportunities - If you are interested in working for the venue please click here.

Entrances - The main entrance to the facility is located on Poplar Street. The Premium/VIP Ticket entrance is located on Broad Street. All guests using the Premium / VIP entrance must have the appropriate VIP level tickets.

Fan Assistance - If you need assistance while at an event, please see a member of our team.

Fan Mail - The Met Philadelphia will do our best to get any fan mail sent to the venue to the appropriate parties. We cannot guarantee that any package or letter will be given to an artist. We recommend visiting the artist’s website and sending any items to their designated address. We are not responsible for returning anything that is sent to the venue for an artist.

Grand Salle Access - Purchasing Grand Salle access grants you entry into the Citi Grand Salle VIP Lounge throughout the duration of the show. You will also have early entry access into the Grand Salle 30 minutes before the general door time listed for your event. For example: If doors for your event open at 6:30pm, you will have access to enter the Grand Salle VIP lounge at 6:00pm. You will only have access to the Grand Salle within this timeframe, meaning you will not be permitted to enter the main hall until general doors open. Entrance to the Citi Grand Salle VIP Lounge will be on Poplar Street through the main lobby doors.

Group Ticket Sales - The Met Philadelphia does not offer group ticket sales. If you have a large party that will be attending the show, the only option would be to contact our Premium Seating Department. Premium Seating sells all VIP boxes and suites, and clubs at the venue that can accommodate larger parties than the standard ticket limit.

Guest Conduct - Guests are expected to behave respectfully and in accordance with venue policy, state and local laws. Any guest that is acting in a manner that venue management deems unsafe can be subject to ejection. If a guest violates a state or local law, he or she will be subject to any tickets or punishment deemed necessary by local law enforcement.

Guests with Disabilities - The Met Philadelphia strives to ensure that all of our guests have a great time at our venue. If you need additional assistance while you are here, please visit us at the box office or see a guest services member.

  • Ticketing – For ADA seating inquiries, please arrive to the box office as early as possible on your show day for assistance and accommodations.
  • Day of Show Parking – Accessible Parking is located in Lot A (the closest available parking lot to the venue), first come first served. Let the parking staff know that you need accessible parking and they will direct you to this lot. Fans who require accessible parking may also be dropped off right in front of the venue on Poplar Street. If you do not absolutely need accessible parking, please park in the general lots.
  • Unexpected Needs – if you have had an injury or illness that prevents you from using the original seat you purchased, we strongly recommend going through to exchange all tickets for accessible seating. We will have a very limited number of seats available on the day of the show for such issues, but we cannot guarantee we will be able to seat you. Please remember that accessible seating permits for the guest with the accessible need and one companion.
  • Accommodations – All accessible seating levels have bathrooms, concession stands, and merchandise stands are accessible.
  • Hearing Assistance – Guests that require assisted listening devices can contact prior to the event to arrange for a device. Please give us at least 2 days notice. Guests that require interpreter service can call the venue and arrange this for any event. We need at least 2 weeks notice to secure an interpreter. Please reach out to for assistance.

Lost + Found - Please fill out this form for all missing item inquiries. We will reach out to you ASAP if we find a match!

Lost or Stolen Tickets - Please report any lost or stolen tickets to Ticketmaster as soon as you are aware they are missing or destroyed. If a ticket needs to be reprinted during the event, guests can visit the box office and have their ticket reprinted for a fee.

Media Relations / Press Passes - Any media inquiries need to be directed to our Press Contact

Medical Assistance - First Aid is located in the venue lobby. We have trained medical personnel that are able to assist with any issue you encounter. We have ambulances on site throughout the duration of the event that can transport guests if needed. If you have medication that you need stored in a refrigerator, please go to the lobby and our medical staff will assist you. If you have a condition that requires you to use a needle for medication while you are here, please do so in our medical office so the syringe can be properly disposed of.

Merchandise - Merchandise will be available at the merch stand located in the lobby. All concert gear is property of the artist and the venue has no responsibility related to the craftsmanship or style of any merchandise. Please make sure you check that you have the correct size and there are no defects in the item before you walk away from the stand. The venue cannot assist with replacing or refunding any merchandise after the event has ended.

Overnight Parking - There is no overnight parking permitted at the venue. Any unauthorized vehicles on site / in affiliated lots prior to an event or after an event will be towed at the owners expense.

Premium Experiences - For unrivaled hospitality and the ultimate experience at our events, please contact our Premium Experiences team at

Premier Parking - Premier Parking is available for every event. The price will vary based on event. This can be purchased prior to the show via or on site at the venue. Premier Parking is located directly across the street on the North facing side of Broad Street. Premier Parking does not guarantee early exit out of the parking lot.

Queuing for GA Shows - Lining up for general admission events begins no earlier than 8AM on show day. Guests that begin to line up before then will be turned away. You may begin to line up under the vertical Met sign on N. Broad Street, and continue the line down Broad. Please do not begin the line in front of our main entrance on Poplar.

Recycling - The Met Philadelphia participates in a venue wide recycling program. You will find recycling bins located throughout the venue. Please recycle where possible.

Restrooms - Located on every level of the facility toward the rear of the audience.

Re-Entry - Re-Entry is not permitted at The Met Philadelphia. Please ensure that everything you will need for the event is brought in with you. If you do leave at any point in the evening; you will not be allowed back in without a new ticket.

Scalping Tickets - Scalping or reselling tickets is strictly prohibited. Any guest caught selling tickets on property will be turned over to local law enforcement.

Security - Venue security and law enforcement are located throughout the facility to ensure a safe and secure environment. All security personnel can assist with any questions or concerns. Please do not hesitate to contact our on-site staff if any assistance is needed.

Your safety and security are most important to us. Click here for an outline of our general venue’s guidelines.

When coming through the doors, please plan on security using metal detectors and/or a physical pat down for our search procedures. All bags are subject to inspection. If you have a medical reason for not wanting to be searched via metal detectors, please ask security on site for assistance and they will give you an alternative to our metal detectors. More information can be found here.

Smoking -There is no smoking in the venue.

Sponsorship / Hand Outs - All sponsorship inquiries should be directed to our office- please email: and ask to speak with someone in sponsorship. Any handouts or presence on site needs to be cleared with venue sponsorship. If you do not have permission to be on site you will be escorted off property.

Strollers - Strollers are not permitted inside The Met Philadelphia

Taping - Some shows do allow audio recording so please contact us prior to the event you are attending to confirm if this will be allowed.

Traffic - Traffic is controlled by local law enforcement and the venue. If there are any major traffic issues that will impact the start of the event, we will post this information on our social media pages.

Valet Parking - Valet parking (listed as Lot B) is located on the corner of Poplar and Broad Street. A limited number of pre-paid valet parking is available here. Valet parking is also available on the day of show, first come first serve.

Weather - All shows will go on rain or shine. However, in the event of severe weather we will keep our fans notified via our social media pages. An event may be delayed, postponed, or canceled depending on the severity of the weather expected.

Will Call - Will call tickets are available for pickup at the box office located on Poplar Street. Please make sure that you have a photo ID matching the purchaser’s name to pick up tickets.

Guests are not permitted to put tickets in will call for other guests to pick up. You will need to arrange to meet your party at the facility to deliver tickets.

If tickets or passes are being left for you, they will only be left at the box office. This includes meet and greet passes, backstage passes, press passes, and tickets from the tour or other promotional company. We do not get these tickets until the day of the event close to doors so please do not try to pick them up earlier. If your tickets/passes are not in will call, you will need to contact the person that left them for you to determine where they are. The box office cannot contact any member of the tour for you.