I will need seating accommodations on site. Where should I go?
For accessibility seating inquiries, please head to the indoor lobby box office as early as possible on your show day for assistance and accommodations.
Where do I park?
Accessible Parking is located in Lot A (the closest available parking lot to the venue), first come first served. An ADA placard is required. Let the parking staff know that you need accessible parking and they will direct you to this lot. Fans who require accessible parking may also be dropped off right in front of the venue on Poplar Street.
Where are the accessible entrances?
The accessible entrance is located at the main lobby entrance on Poplar Street. Guests that require accessible entry may be dropped off at the corner of Poplar and Carlisle.
Unexpected needs?
If you have had an injury or illness that prevents you from using the original seat you purchased, we strongly recommend going through LiveNation.com to exchange all tickets for accessible seating. We will have a very limited number of seats available on the day of the show for such issues, but we cannot guarantee we will be able to seat you. Please remember that accessible seating permits for the guest with the accessible need and one companion.
Can I bring my own food if I have special dietary needs that are medically necessary?
Yes, please see a guest services member upon arrival for further assistance. Your belongings may be screened for safety purposes.
Can I bring my service animal?
If you require a service animal, please reach out to metphillyboxoffice@livenation.com
Are there elevators or escalators?
There is an elevator located to the right of the inside box office, which can take guests to all levels except for the Loge level. If you have Loge level seats and cannot take the stairs, please visit the box office upon entering for further assistance.
Where are the accessible restrooms?
Accessible restrooms are located throughout the venue. Please see an usher or guest experience representative for direction to the nearest location.
Is storage available for wheelchairs and other mobility devices?
Yes, limited storage is available for wheelchairs and other mobility devices – please contactmetphillyboxoffice@livenation.com for further assistance.
Are there accommodations available for individuals who may not fit in a standard seat?
Yes, please visit the box office inside the lobby or reach out to metphillyboxoffice@livenation.com for further assistance.
Will I be able to plug in my ventilator?
Yes, however seat relocation may be necessary. Please email metphillyboxoffice@livenation.com for further assistance.
Will my event use special effects like pyrotechnics, smoke or flashing lights?
While this varies, please be advised that many acts include these elements in their shows. Please reach out to metphillyboxoffice@livenation.com on your show day for further information on special effects.
Are Assistive Listening Devices (ALD) or Interpretation Services available?
Guests that require assisted listening devices can contact metphillyboxoffice@livenation.com prior to the event to arrange for a device. Please give us at least 2 days notice. Guests that require interpreter service can email the venue and arrange this for any event. We need at least 2 weeks notice to secure an interpreter. Please reach out to metphillyboxoffice@livenation.com for assistance.